
ROYALSTAMPI S.R.L. has implemented, in compliance with the provisions of Legislative Decree No 24 of 10 March 2023, transposing EU Directive 2019/1937 (the so-called 'Whistleblowing' Directive), internal reporting channels through which it is possible, confidentially and privately, to submit reports of wrongdoings or violations, including breach of the provisions of the Organisation, Management and Control Model referred to in Legislative Decree no. 231/01 (and related protocols).

The main purpose of whistleblowing is to bring to light risks and/or situations that are potentially detrimental to the company in order to solve or, if possible, prevent any problems that might arise from a corporate wrongdoing or regulatory violation, allowing critical issues to be addressed quickly and with the necessary confidentiality, and ensuring maximum transparency and fairness in this regard.

It is not possible, therefore, to use internal channels to report falsehoods or allegations for example or claims or requests linked to a personal interest and pertaining exclusively to one's own individual employment relationship, or inherent to one's own employment relationship with hierarchically superior figures.

The aforementioned internal whistleblowing channels are governed by a specific whistleblowing procedure approved by the Company's Board of Directors. They are supervised by specifically trained and experienced personnel who will handle reports according to the principles of autonomy, independence and objectivity.

Internal reporting channels also ensure an adequate standard of security to protect the identity of the whistleblowers, the persons involved, the persons named in the report, the content of the report and the related documentation, also in compliance with the data processing and privacy regulations.

The reporting methods can be written and oral in line with the provisions of Legislative Decree. No. 24 of 10 March 2023 and with the clarifications provided in this regard by ANAC. In particular, an IT platform is envisaged which the whistleblower can access and through which he/she can send and manage reports, in strict confidentiality.

More information is available in the document 'Procedure for the management of reports of unlawful conduct and violations (so-called "Whistleblowing")', in which, among other things, the reporting methods are described.

Before making a report, it is necessary to read the "Whistleblowing Procedure".